Friday, December 12, 2014


The senses cannot feel It and mind cannot understand it.Consciousness alone is everywhere and rises as 'I" within you.It is the shining of the sun and the motion of the earth.It is beyond space and time which derive their existence from it.The mind cannot go to touch it, or to reach it,and will miss it if it tries to find it.These attempts are movements hiding the Stillness.It is found only by itself when mind does not move.Check all movements of the mind for one moment only,stop all desires and all thought for one second only,and you are beyond the cycle of birth and death forever.This cycle is samsara, your own imagination.It has no beginning and only Self knowledge will end it.The question "Who am I?" will end it.So firmly decide, "I have to do it Now."This human birth is such a blessing, don't waste it!Postponement is samsara, the cycle of suffering.Whenever you are in trouble ask, "Am I dreaming?"This is "Who am I?" and it will wake you upand make you fall in love with your own Self.Then you will know all "others,"and will take this candle wherever you go!~ Papaji

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